Immaculate Conception Catholic Schools is extremely thankful for the donations we receive. From baskets for our Ladies' Day Tea to financial gifts, members of our community have a variety of options to support our Bengals. As we continue to grow, the need for financial support grows as well. Your support helps to keep the cost of tuition affordable and supports IC's mission of Catholic education.
Financial Gifts
As the cost of educating our students goes up each year, we rely on generous donations from our parents, parishioners, alumni, business partners, and friends to bridge the gap between the actual cost of educating an IC student and the money we receive from tuition. Part of our mission is to educate each child in the Catholic faith while keeping our tuition affordable. Financial donations can be made to commemorate a special event such as a class reunion, honor a special teacher or family member, or in memory of a loved one.
Planned Giving
We thank the past parents, grandparents, alumni, parents, and friends who have demonstrated their commitment to Immaculate Conception Catholic Schools' future by establishing planned gifts or including IC as a charitable recipient of their bequests. Their thoughtfulness insures that Immaculate Conception Catholic Schools will remain strong for generations to come.
Planned giving options include:
Making a gift from your will or trust
Making a gift from your retirement plan
Making a gift of stock and appreciated assets
Transferring a paid-up life insurance policy to IC Schools
The size of a planned gift is not important. What matters is the thoughtful planning which will leave a legacy for future Bengals. Immaculate Conception Catholic Schools does not require donors to share specifics of planned gifts. However, many donors choose to let us know details of their plans and this information is helpful for long range planning purposes. All information is kept strictly confidential.
For additional information, please contact the Main Office, 586.574.2480.
IC Schools Benefit Banquet
Each Fall, IC Schools hosts a benefit dinner to raise funds and awareness for Immaculate Conception Catholic Schools. All proceeds from the dinner benefit IC Schools, our students, school programs, and families in need of financial support.
Those attending the benefit dinner will play a critically important role in the success of IC Schools over the course of the school year. Simply put, it takes funds to provide an exceptional curriculum; to provide financial aid to qualifying families; to provide unique educational offerings such as IC's new STEM Lab, online learning support programs, and to maintain the physical structure of the school itself.
Bengal Raffle
We hope that you will consider purchasing and/or selling raffle tickets in support of our Bengal Raffle. There are great cash prizes to be won! The ticket price is just $5.00 per ticket. Each extra book we sell is additional funding for our Bengals! Tickets individually or by the book. Payment can be made by cash or check. Tickets are available from Immaculate Conception Catholic Schools' Main Office, or Immaculate Conception and St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Churches parish offices.
Ladies' Day Tea
IC's annual Ladies' Day Tea is our signature event of the year -- and our biggest fundraiser. With a unique theme designed to inspire, it is completely organized and run by our parents. The annual luncheon is followed by our famous gift basket raffle. Prizes of all shapes, sizes, and likes can be found. All funds raised go towards maintaining our mission of providing a Catholic education to our local community and sustaining current programs as well as creating new ones.
Matching Gifts
Matching gifts are a way for benefactors to double, triple, or even quadruple the impact of their charitable donation. More than 2,500 companies nationwide match charitable gifts to educational institutions from their employees and their spouses. To find out more about this opportunity to benefit Immaculate Conception Catholic Schools, contact your company's benefits department for information on their program.
Goods & Services​
Is your house overflowing with books or toys the kids have outgrown? Is your place of work updating technology or equipment? Are you a skilled tradesman (plumber, electrician, etc.) or have talents that would benefit the school? Immaculate Conception Catholic Schools welcomes donations of goods and services. Whether it's books for our library and classrooms or lending a hand applying a new coat of paint to the hallways, your non-monetary gifts can make a big impact.

29500 Westbrook Avenue
Warren, MI 48092
586.574.2480 Phone
586.574.3497 Fax
The IC PTO sponsors several effortless fundraisers. Nothing extra to buy or sell!
These corporate giving programs let you help IC with every shopping trip you make. IC earns cash or valuable points towards purchases that benefit our students. Some programs are as easy as registering your store loyalty card or debit/credit card, others merely involve collecting special labels or codes and turning them into the IC PTO. Family, friends — ANYONE, ANYWHERE — can help IC so spread the word today!

Once enrolled in the Kroger Community Rewards
Program, IC receives a percentage of your purchase every time you shop with your Kroger Plus Card! Visit www.Kroger.com to register your Kroger Plus Card. IC’s ID is 91140.
Help IC Schools earn cash by recycling your used paper. IC earns money

back when you donate them to IC for recycling. Sorry, NO CARDBOARD or BOOKS.
Frequently Asked Questions​
Why should I give to Immaculate Conception Catholic Schools?
Your donations help the future of our communities, the children of IC Schools. Our alumni are your doctor, lawyer, engineer, teacher, and so much more! Donations are a vital part of sustainability and expansion in our schools and your gifts are more important now than ever before.
All gifts made to Immaculate Conception Catholic Schools are 100% tax-deductible.
Where does my money go?
A gift to IC goes to work immediately. These gifts go towards improving the educational experience at Immaculate Conception. From improving textbooks and technology, to helping with scholarships for those families that need financial assistance, financial gifts are vital for the current year as well as the future.
Money given to specific programs (Restricted Donation) such as the "Sponsor A Child Program" is used for the given program as specified by the donor.
What are the different types of gifts?
A Restricted Gift is a gift given to IC Schools for a specific purpose. The donor has a specific intent for their gift and IC must use the donation for the requested purpose.
An Unrestricted Gift is a gift that is used for the general needs of the school. These needs can be facility maintenance, scholarships or faculty development, along with many other needs.